Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hockey to Reach Europe?

Link to the article:

On October 13th we discussed ideals underlying in international sport and the globalizing of sport as discussed in Coakley’s text on pages 357-359.  The article talks about hockey becoming TV partners with Europe to score more viewers.  I believe this highlights a few ideals in international sport such as highlighting shared interests among different cultures and nations, foster cultural understanding and eliminate national stereotypes, and an open communication between nations.  John Collins, COO of the NHL said, “We want to be able to shorten the distance between European fans and our game.”  This is a very good thing when talking about ideals of international sport, globalizing a sport, and marketing. 

Most hockey players have a diverse back
round making it easier to become global.
According to Coakley (page 358) commercial sports are going global.  Why?  They are going global because the NHL wants to expand their market and maximize profits.  Bringing Europe closer to hockey is good for the NHL considering how diverse the sport is.  Harvey Schiller, CEO of GlobalOptions Group said, “It’s a sport that is not completely dominated by American players, which gives it an appeal in Europe.  In some of the Latin countries they will have a hard time, but across Europe, people talk about hockey.  They know what a puck looks like.” 

Becoming TV partners with Europe is definitely keeping an open line of communication between nations.  Peter Gudmundson, the former CEO and GM of Sweden’s premier professional hockey league is going to work alongside the NHL in establishing and growing events.  I believe this is good thing for everyone.  The NHL will make money, Europeans will become excited about the NHL and it’s a good way to share a common interest with a different culture and nation.

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